LinksManagement Review: Is it the best Place to Buy Backlinks?

Linksmanagement Review Best place to buy backlinks

No one can deny the importance of backlinks in SEO and finding a high-quality backlink is the most difficult job in the SEO or blogging industry.

LinksManagement is the time saver and the best place to buy backlinks but you might be thinking, is it legit or good to buy backlinks?

Well, you can create backlinks for free but not easy to get backlinks and will waste most of your time and might get frustrated.

As the goal is not to get backlinks but you need to investigate the backlink provider website DA-PA, Page ability to pass link juice, content quality, and a backlink is Do follow or no follow?

You can imagine how much tough is to match all these criteria then after writing content for them and get it reviewed and approved then request for Do-Follow.

Remember if you are working on a low difficulty keyword and already written quality content then your website or blog is ready to rank immediately.

But adding additional backlinks will increase your website authority in search engine ranking and ultimately you can beat the similar content written by other sites.

So how LinksMangement can help you get high-quality backlinks and how LinksManagement works i will explain here in the detailed guide.

The best part is if you will sign up the first time then you will also get a $25 bonus for your first deposit of $25.

What is LinksManagement?

LinksManagement is a platform that provides paid backlinks services based on monthly or permanent link placements on high DA-PA websites.

It has a collection of more than 8 million high DA-PA websites based on their DA-PA ranking.

LinksManagement How to buy backlinks

You will be having a choice to filter the types of websites related to your niche based on the page authority, outbound link, and content uniqueness.

All the sites listed with LinksManagement are the real active sites of users like you and me with decent to high organic traffic.

You will be having an option to place an order for Do Follow and No Follow contextual Backlinks.

Well now, if you are curious how this whole process works are the backlinks legit then continue reading, as it is exciting to solve the biggest problem of SEO.

How LinksManagement Works?

LinksManagement is a place where the actual site owner or the publisher and the link buyers come together.

Remember, if you will comment on any site to get backlinks those are mostly No Follow backlinks.

Here in LinksManagement, you will be having an option to get contextual backlinks.

Which means the links in the middle of the content surrounded by the related content, which is the most effective part of SEO.

What is LinksManagement Backlinks

So here is how LinksManagement works.

Let imagine, i wanted to start selling backlink services for placement on my site Mrvaysidea, then i will register with LinksManagement.

They will review my website and check the quality and list on their website available for backlinks placement if any buyer wants.

Buyers like you filter in LinksManagement and if found my website then can place a backlink order for the monthly or permanent links placement.

Pricing will be based on the DA-PA of the website and the number of the outbound link of the page, which means you are paying for the quality link juice.

That order will come to me and i will create manually Do-Follow backlinks on my site pointing to your site.

This is real and something which Google is looking for, isn't it something you want to try?

The best part is you will be having a choice to place backlinks for monthly or permanent pricing.

If you bought monthly for DA- 40 and PA-30 and suddenly that site DA-PA reduces then for what you placed order automatically LinksManagement will reduce the prices.

That is the role of LinksManagement, so you are paying for the quality for which you already decided.

I hope now you got clarity on how LinksManagemtn works and how this is a real deal, not a scam.

Now if excited about how to place an order and place search filter in LinksManagement then let me show you step by step.

How to Buy Backlinks in LinksManagement?

Well, now i am going to introduce you to different terminologies which you have to filter and the step by step guide on how to buy backlinks.

The best part is you will get a $25 bonus if you credit $25 first time to the wallet, which you can use for buying backlinks.

Linksmanagement free link building

The first thing you need to do is Sign Up LinksManagement with your email ID and you will be eligible to get $25.

Once you will click to Buy Backlinks link you will be on a page to place a filter for your backlinks need.

Linksmanagement how to buy backliks using the filter

All these filters will decide the pricing and will get you the list of websites on which you can create backlinks, so let discuss each terminology for your understanding.

Price : There you will be having a choice to place filter for Monthly or Permanent using the radio button checkbox.

If choosing monthly and set price in the edit box in the range of $0.5-$20 then it will list those websites which offering monthly payment backlinks for that range.

SB Rank : This is the real matrix that decides how powerful your backlinks would be as in another term you can think this a factor that passes actual link juice.

It is created with the combination of DA, PA, Trust flow, citation flow of the page, so very crucial and i recommend to always set its value more than 3 as the scale is 1-10.

WebSite Category :   You can place the filter for your niche specific websites, and must set this filter.

As you know, getting backlinks from different than your website niche will not going to get benefits for your website, so find similar niche websites.

URL/Domain Zone :   this filter has two option to choose from either paste your own website URL so it check what is your domain extentnion such as .com,.net etc.

Or select the Domain Zone radio button and choose a domain extension from the dropdown list, so that helps to filter the website which has your chosen domain extension.

DA-PA Filters : This stands for domain authority and Page authority, so you can place the filter in the range of 0-100.

The higher the number the better will be the website quality and remember LinksManageemnt will pull every website DA-PA using the MOZ matrix.

Placement % : This matrix is the deciding factor whether the actual seller or publisher will accept your links or not so better to choose high.

If not accepted then seems you can order with others and you will get a refund for the money, but better to check this with LinksManagement.

Outbound links: Remember if the page on which you are ordering the placement of links has already provided backlinks to many sites then the quality of backlinks will be very low.

So always try to filter the site on which specific page has lower than 5 outbound backlinks from that page so the high-quality link juice will pass to your website.

Hosting Location: Well this matters if you want the backlinks from the specific country hosted websites or not which you can filter if you want else ignore it.

There will be a couple of other filters on getting the sites based on the content language or the keywords etc.

So i hope, now you got an idea of how all these filters are important and using which how you can identify the list of the websites.

Well, i placed one filter to place an order for the Bloggingos website, where the chosen factors are as shown below.

How to get the quality backlinks in linksmanagement

Always focus on setting right filters for SB Rank, DA-PA, and maximum outbound links.This is the main factor to filter quality sites and simply hit the search button.

Then down inside the table, you will be having a list of websites that best fit for your filter.

Buy backlinks using linksmanagement

Now the table listed all the websites URL, its DA-PA score, and SB rank along with pricing, which you can open in a new window.

I opened all the websites in a new window and checked manually which one looks perfect for my backlink placement and found one as the best fit.

Linksmanagement backlinks sites list

Remember not blindly believe in Linksmanagement filter, focus on the manual review of each website have a scan of its content, check its organic traffic in Ahref or SEMRush.

If you fill, yes this looks perfect then proceed with the placement of the order.Here i decided to go with

If want to pay on monthly basis to test the impact of backlinks on your site then can go with $6.27/month.

And you will be charged every month until you take permanent or requested to remove backlinks, well in between this price can go down if the DA-PA of the site fall.

But if you want to pay one time then the best option is to pay $43.89/lifetime and your link will be there permanently and it will be the responsibility of LinksManagement to monitor that link.

Isn't it a crazy system to get a fast and quick backlink?

Now to place an order, select the checkbox at the end of the row it will open a side window to provide a couple of entries.

Buy Backlinks and palce order in linksmanagement

It has these entries to fill in before placing the order.

Add a new Promoted URL: Provide the URL of the post or website for which you want backlink.

Content Before Anchor Text: This is the best part that you can control the sentences around your link so type what you want before your link text.

Anchor Text: Well this is the text to which your website URL will be linked,you must be aware with anchor text which is a blue color link, so provide that.

If I want a backlink to homepage then i should provide brand anchor text Bloggingos or I can provide related keywords like SEO, blogging, etc.

Content After Anchor Text: You can also control the sentences around your link, so type what you want after your link text.

Now Choose the time for which you needed backlinks, permanent or monthly and by default, all backlinks are contextual Do-Follow but if need No Follow then check that box.

Now all are set, simple hit Add to cart and you will be routed to the review window there verify your details, how your backlinks will look like, and hit Buy All.

How to place backlink order in linksmanagement

After placement of the order, wait for the timeline displayed on your active order and once it completed all the details will be shared by LinksManagement.

You can review your backlinks whether places on your requested site or not surrounded by the content and having the same anchor text or not.

So i hope, i answered all the queries and you got another source of how to create backlinks instantly without wasting time and investing that efforts on writing great content.

Free Tools and Bonuses with Links Management

LinksManagement has its own set of tool library which you can use to make your SEO job easier.

LinsManagement Free Bonus

SEO Expert Tool

You will get access to the SEO Expert tool that will take input for you on how many backlinks you want to build.

If you provided a total of 60 backlinks in just a 3-month duration of time then their team will place an order accordingly, based on your budget and time length you choose.

So it is an automated SEO campaign running in the backend and you can approve their backlinks placement order or can set on auto-approval mode.

SEO Cost Calculator

This tool will be very much helpful as it asks for your website URL and a keyword and it calculates how much backlinks you needed to rank in Google.

It will also suggest the sites or DA-PA websites from which you need to make backlinks to make your job easier.

Free SEO Guide

They have prepared a special 101 SEO Tips and Tricks guide and the same you will get for free in the PDF form.

Besides, you know the $25 bonus they are offering for free of cost for the first time login.

Wrap Up on LinksManageMent Review Is it Worth?

Remember backlinks are a crucial factor for search engine ranking and much beneficial if you are targeting the most competitive keywords.

If you want to save time and have money to invest in backlinks then i suggest LiksManagement is one of the best places to buy backlinks.

Use a filter to find the relative websites but i strongly suggest to manually review those sites for the organic traffic as any site owner can manipulate the DA-PA of the website.

I hope this guide has solved the queries of those who are looking at ways of how to buy backlinks.

Last but not least try to grab the $25 bonus on your first time signup when you deposit your $25 in the wallet.

Hey, I am Kirtish Vyas an engineer by profession and a Blogger by Passion, and the Founder of Bloggingos. Bloggingos works as an operating system for bloggers to explore Blogging, SEO, and Affiliate marketing tips, Read More

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