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#1 Best Keyword Research Tool For SEO With Exact Seach Volume and Traffic Data.

Best Keyword Research Tool For SEO: Ahref vs SemRush Vs GKP vs Keyword Everywhere

Finding low difficulty and easy to rank keywords are the key to success in SEO.But the biggest problem is, finding the best keyword research tool for SEO.

There are plenty of tools outside and each sharing different matrices and it is quite confusing to identify the one, which offers the exact or closely accurate search volume.

Here I did a case study comparing the result of each free and paid SEO tool and compared the result with the search console and Google Analytics.

Here is a disclaimer, no tool is perfect and each tool tries to grab the approximate ideas using the different data aggregators.

What Matrices For Keyword Research

While you are doing keyword research, there are few key matrices which you need to focus on.

Search volume: It indicates, how many searches that query has globally or specific to any country or region, based on this you can guess the potential traffic.

Keyword Difficulty: It indicates, how difficult a keyword is to rank, this is based on the already ranking websites, how much they are authoritative, and how many backlinks they have acquired.

CPC: Cost per click is the money an advertiser is ready to pay for ads displaying for that keyword but I advise you to ignore this CPC number.

Your focus should be the search volume and up to a certain level the keyword difficulty number.

Let directly jump onto the study but for video tutorial must watch belwo video.

How the Case Study will be Carried Out?

Here i took a few of the most popular keyword research tools and decided to compare their results, especially search volume only.

The reason, if you can get accurate data around search volume then things become easier for you while making the selection of the best keyword research tool.

For case study below 5 tools are shortlisted.

Real traffic for any website can be tracked from the Google search console matrices of your website.

So what i will do is, search for a few keywords in the Google search console for which my site is already ranking at no #1.

Then we will check the impression, the site has received for that specific keyword taking the reference of the impression column.

As it is 100% guarantee, that if any user searches for that keyword and my site was already ranking at #1 position.

Then i am pretty much sure that i have received an impression equals to the actual search volume and we will compare that keyword search volume in all the SEO Tools one by one.

Are you ready and excited?

Below are the 2 keywords, we shortlisted and you can see their search volume in the past 28 days in the country USA, for which these 2 are rankings at #1.

Exact keyword search volume in search console

  • Upstairs Neighbors Stomping – 1032 Searches
  • How to deal with upstairs neighbors stomping – 120 Searches

how to deal with upstairs neighbour stompingupstairs neighbour stomping

So we received impressions all the time in the past 28 days and this is going to be our base to compare against all the SEO tools displayed search volume.

Are you ready and if you find this exciting, i want you to share this article now and continue reading.

Best Keyword Research Tool Comparision

Now let me check the search volume displayed in different Keyword research tools including Free and Paid SEO Tools.

#1 Keyword Everywhere – Chrome Extension

Keyword Everywhere is a Google Chrome Extension, that shows the Keyword search volume, Difficulty, and CPC of any keyword.

You can use this tool by buying credit points and one of the cheapest SEO tools available in the market.

Exact search volume in keyword everywhereHow accurate the search volume in keyword everywhere

  • Upstairs Neighbors Stomping – 1300 Searches
  • How to deal with upstairs neighbors stomping – 110 Searches

While i activated Keyword everywhere and searched for both the keywords in Google, the results were pretty close to what we can see inside the search console.

#2 : Ahref : Paid SEO Tools

Ahref is one of the most popular paid keyword research tools and this offers 7 Days free trial for $7.

This is most popular for backlink and competitor analysis.

Ahref monthly plan start from $99/month and offers a limited amount of features which is good enough for a beginner.

Accurate search volume in AhrefHow to check search volume in Ahref

  • Upstairs Neighbors Stomping – 500 Searches
  • How to deal with upstairs neighbors stomping – 20 Searches

The results are very surprising and we found the displayed search volume is 50% lower than the actual searches we found inside the search console.

Isn’t it interesting?

#3 : SEMRush Paid SEO Tool

SEMRush is the most popular SEO tool and many of my students are using this and the best part is you can get 14 Days free trial, Just click here to get a free account.

Ideally, SEMRush pricing starts with $119 and offering great features specially around keyword research.

how to check search volume in semrush for any keywordBest keyword research seo tool semrush

  • Upstairs Neighbors Stomping – 1000 Searches
  • How to deal with upstairs neighbors stomping – 110 Searches

Wow.. the results were surprising that we found closely exact search volume as what we found inside the search volume.

If you want to give a try yourself for any keyword, learn here how to use and grab 14 Days special free trial and use this tool to find easy to rank keywords instantly.

#4 : UberSuggest : Freemium SEO Tools

Ubersuggest is another keyword research tool, introduced by Neil Patel. This tool at moment has now become a premium tool.

It offers 3 keyword searches free every day so you can give this the best try.

how to do keyword research in ubersuggesthow to do keyword research using ubersuggest

  • Upstairs Neighbors Stomping : 1000 Searches
  • How to deal with upstairs neighbors stomping : 70 Searches

Again Ubersuggest is another winning tool you can try for keyword research. This tool is offering competitive prices.

#5 : Google Keyword Planner

Google keyword planner is offered by Google Adword and a free tool available for everyone to access from anywhere in the world.

Well, just for your information this tool is designed for advertisers to get an idea of potential search volume.

Just now, you can access the Google keyword planner and when i searched both keywords in Google keyword planner i found.

how to do keyword research in google keyword planner

  • Upstairs Neighbors Stomping : Not Found 
  • How to deal with upstairs neighbors stomping : 110 Searches

First, Google keyword planner is only able to find the search volume of 1 keyword, not another, so not having confidence in it.

In addition, the displayed search volume for a keyword is exactly matching with the search volume in the search console.

Conclusion Which Keyword Research Tool is Best?

We found that Keyword Everywhere, UberSuggest, and SEMRush all offering accurate search volume, which is close to the impression we can find inside the search console.

Keyword everywhere is a cheaper tool you can buy the same purchasing credit points, below is their pricing, and click here to learn more.

keyword everywhere pricing

However, SEMRush is a premium SEO tool that not only offers keyword research but 40+ different SEO tools including backlink and competitor domain analysis and many more features.

When it comes to pricing it starts with $119/month.

semrush keyword research SEO tool

But if you want to give it a try, you can use the special deal offered by Bloggingos and SEMRush partnership of 14 Days Free trial.

Semrush 14 days free trial by bloggingos or mr vyas or kirtish vyas

In addition to SEMRush, if you want to try Ubersuggest then it offers the best price SEO tool start with $40/month (29 GBP).

ubersugegst pricing plan for keyword research

Also, you can try the Ubersuggest for 7 Days free trial.

I am pretty much sure you got a clear idea of which keyword research tool offers not 100% accurate but close to original search volume.

Bonus on Exact Traffic Volume

In addition, i wanted to clarify your doubt around the traffic displayed in any of the keyword research tools is not accurate here is the best example.

What i did is checked the search volume of one of a post in the past 28 days in the actual Google analytics and found around 4900 users landed directly on this page from Google.

google analytics soundproofidea traffic

Now lets check the traffic estimate calculated inside both the Paid SEO tools SEMrush and Ahref.

Ahref organic traffic ctats for past 28 daysHow to check traffic in semrush

Well, this proves that none of these tools shows accurate traffic.

So ignore the traffic stats from any SEO tool because the actual data can be tracked inside the Google analytics only.

Wrap up on Best SEO Tools for Keyword and SEO

We already covered when it comes to paid SEO tools, i must say SEMRush is the best SEO tool.

But do not rely on any SEO tool, instead, focus on the manual checks of what ranking in Google and decide whether you will be able to compete with these websites or not.

Use these SEO tools to find the estimated search volume and ignore CPC and Traffic.

Also, Use SEO tools to analyze the competitor’s website to check for what keyword they are ranking.

Now It’s Your Turn?

If you found this case study helpful, then i would like you to share it with your social friends and spread the knowledge as much as possible.

Hey, I am Kirtish Vyas an engineer by profession and a Blogger by Passion, and the Founder of Bloggingos. Bloggingos works as an operating system for bloggers to explore Blogging, SEO, and Affiliate marketing tips, Read More

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